Regional Autistic Engagement Network (RAEN)
The Regional Autistic Engagement Network (RAEN) is an Autistic created, led and managed network that started as a grassroots peer network in the North-West of Tasmania.
Autism Connect
Autism Connect is a free, national autism helpline, providing independent and expert information over phone, email and webchat. It supports Autistic people, their families and carers, health professionals, researchers, teachers, employers and the broader community.

AMAZE is a leading autism organisation that builds autism understanding in the community, influences policy change for autistic people and their families/supporters, and provides independent, credible information and resources to individuals, families, professionals, government and the wider community.

The Brain Awareness Centre
The Brain Awareness Centre is a Non-profit organisation designed to support those suffering with or caring for an Acquired Brain Injury.

Anglicare Tasmania
Anglicare Tasmania is a not-for-profit organisation that provides aged care, acquired injury and community support services across Tasmania. Anglicare also do research and advocate for changes to improve the lives of Tasmanians, through the work of their Social Action and Research Centre.

Connectivity Traumatic Brain Injury Australia
Connectivity Traumatic Brain Injury Australia, is an Australian-wide not-for-profit organisation working to raise awareness of concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the community.
In all its forms, TBI can have long-lasting, negative consequences for people and their families. It is our aim to improve the lives of people with lived experience and their families following TBI of all severities.

Brain Foundation
The Brain Foundation is a national charity established in 1970 by leading neurologists and neurosurgeons. Our mission is to fund the highest quality Australian research into neurological conditions, with the ultimate goal of advancing diagnoses, treatments, and patient outcomes. We also raise awareness about the impact of brain diseases, disorders & injuries, and provide educational resources to help people learn more about these conditions.

Brain Injury South Australia
Brain Injury South Australia is a peak body and service provider that specialises in supporting people with acquired brain injury, whatever their situation, to embrace life after brain injury. They do this by offering a person-driven, interdisciplinary approach – where the person is at the centre of all goal setting and decision-making in their recovery journey.
As a peak body, Brain Injury SA also has a wider role within the community as an advocative voice that aims to influence at a state and national level for systemic change, as well as offering individual advocacy support to people with an ABI.
Brain Injury SA is focused on providing services close to a person’s home, and operates from three Hubs across Adelaide, and additionally offers regional outreach support in country South Australia.

Brain Injury Australia
Founded in 1986, Brain Injury Australia is the central clearinghouse of information and gateway to nationwide referral for optimising the social and economic participation of all Australians living with brain injury.

Synapse - Australia's Brain Injury Organisation
Synapse is Australia’s Brain Injury Organisation. Synapse provides a range of support services for people who have been impacted by brain injury and disability. These services promote quality of life, self-determination, and choice through information, specialist support, and targeted research activities.

BrainLink Services
The effects of Brain Injury are often invisible to an unknown observer and adjusting to life with a Brain Injury can take some time. BrainLink Services connects individuals, families and carers affected by Brain Injury to the care, support and networks needed to live the healthiest, richest life possible.
BrainLink Services is based in Victoria.

Brain Injury Association of Tasmania
The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) is a non-government, state-wide, not-for-profit organisation working for people with acquired brain injury (ABI), their families and other stakeholders. BIAT has a range of members.
BIAT plays a key role in activities that contribute to a community that is more informed about acquired brain injury and has a strong focus on the area of advocacy with an emphasis on representation and support of the acquired brain injury (ABI) sector.
Hartley Lifecare
Established in 1962, Hartley Lifecare (Hartley) is a Canberra-based not-for-profit organisation providing supported accommodation for people with disability, their families and carers. Hartley supports over 100 clients in 35 homes across the ACT. Over the last six decades, families have grown to rely on and trust Hartley to deliver high quality, person centred support.

Brain Injury Matters
Brain Injury Matters (BIM) is a self-advocacy and community education organisation run by and for people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). All office bearers and committee of management members have ABI. As a Disabled People's Organisation, we are a voice of people living with ABI in Victoria.

Headway ABI Australia
Headway ABI Australia, located on the Gold Coast Queensland, provides Specialist Supports & Services, Supported Independent Living (SIL) & Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and Rehabilitation Therapies for people with an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Headway ABI Australia is a registered NDIS Provider and a Not-for-Profit Charity.