Order a National Assistance Card Lanyard

The National Assistance Card lanyard will make it easier for cardholders to carry and access their Card wherever they go and use it when they need understanding or assistance. 

About the Lanyard

The National Assistance Card lanyard will make it easier for cardholders to carry and access their Card wherever they go and use it when they need understanding or assistance. 

You can also use the lanyard to raise awareness of the National Assistance Card and help more people benefit from this service.

National Assistance Card Lanyard

How to buy:

Click the Buy button to order your National Assistance Card lanyard. The lanyard(s) will be posted to your address. 

Please note:

  • This order is for the lanyard only — it does not include the National Assistance Card. 
  • If you do not currently have a card, and are eligible, you can apply for a National Assistance Card.
  • The National Assistance Card is owned by the Brain Injury Association of Tasmania. 

Apply for the National Assistance Card

Applications for the National Assistance Card are now available online through the secure application portal.
How to Apply →