Social Media

Helpful wording to create social media posts and content.

Social Media

Social Share Image

This image can be shared on your social media platforms to promote the National Assistance Card.


National Assistance Card Facebook/Social Image - PNG (400 kB)

Social media post wording

The National Assistance Card is a personalised card designed to assist people with disability and health conditions in the community. The Card can be used in everyday and emergency situations to help cardholders communicate their unique areas of difficulty and the assistance they may need.

The Card can:

  • Give cardholders greater independence and confidence.
  • Provide peace of mind for families and carers.
  • Enhance community understanding of disability and health conditions.
  • Support positive community interaction with people with disability.

The Card is currently available to autistic people and to people with brain injury in Australia.

Find out more and apply:


Download Social Media Post Wording - Word Document (.DOCX 12KB)
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Apply for the National Assistance Card

Applications for the National Assistance Card are now available online through the secure application portal.
How to Apply →